Monday, October 17, 2011

A lovely day for a show!

It was a blustery weekend! Good thing we were at a lovely indoor show at the Butte des Mortes Country Club. It was hosted by the lovely Sandra is a photo of the set-up for this year.

Although this post is short, I have to go.....there is a group of kids over all playing dress up & I think it's about to get CRAZY!!! There are fairies, princesses and a dragon and Harry Potter.


Megan said...

ooooh!! I love your set up!!
That table cloth is beautiful!
I guess this weekend was for craft fairs!! :)
(I had one too!!) :)
I hope yours was a smashing success!!

Kurtzhals said...

Aw what a cute set up! That round rack is totally eye catching! Tis the craft show season isn't it???
Thanks for visiting me over at ILTWYD...I'm off to explore your bloghome now!