Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Few Handmade gifts...

Here are a couple photos of some gifts I made this year. I love the way they turned out - I usually don't like my "paper-crafts" so I tend to not make them.

The first one is a photo of my dad as a baby (well, a copy of one) and then I took a copy of his hospital info & a baby bracelet of his I found in a box of random things. I put it all into a shadow box & was really happy with the way it turned out.

This is a simple letter silhouette that I made using my computer (I found a pretty font in Word) and a piece of scrapbook paper. I did cut the letter out with tiny scissors & then used double-sided tape & a glue stick to attach it.

I hope you all had a lovely holiday season - we sure did!

1 comment:

ohshootphotography said...

that shadow box for your dad is just awesome!!!!!! What a fantastic idea!!